Death, among other things...
In our culture we have lost the wisdom of dying without noise and fuss as forest animals … We complicate everything. And here it comes the religious subject... I do not know if I’m a religious person… I guess for many people it is important to believe, is likely to have faith helps them die in peace. When the question arises… Do I believe or not? I also wonder, how do i believe? Maybe I believe… I believe in nature… I do not believe in the religious vision that places man at the center of all things. From the point of view of the universal concert, that a man’s life is worth more than an ant… then, I am agnostic. I like living things. It delights me to see a society that has great and endless opportunities, who has lived too long with the fear of change, very nostalgic, very conservative and believing that what they have should keep it at all costs, rather than fight to transform it.
Because it will only remain over time what has been transformed.